Mario Party 3 Wad Download


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The indomitable brothers, Mario and Luigi are back with their hopping antics in the second sequel to one of the most spellbinding video games in the world, Super Mario Bros. 3.

An Odyssey Through Eight Worlds

In 'Super Mario Bros. 3', Mario and Luigi are faced with the ultimate challenge of venturing into eight new worlds with more than 80 areas to save Princess Peach from the evil hands of the sorcerer Kuppa King. Each world has a ruler who has been transformed by a magic spell into some creature or another.

Only the magic wand possessed by the fierce, gargantuan guardian at the end of each world can restore each ruler back to his original human form. It is up to Mario or Luigi to wrest this magic wand from the wild and savage guard to bring normalcy back to each world.

A Snapshot of the Eight Worlds

The first world is the Grass Land with its lush, green terrain. The ruler has been changed by sorcery into a humble dog. Mario and Luigi have to comb eight areas to retrieve the magic wand.

The second world is Desert Hill, replete with swaying date palms, pyramids, and the beat of jungle drums. The brothers have to fend off fireball-spitting piranha plants, the menacing killer sun, and flying boomerangs whizzing overhead. The ruler of Desert Hill has been turned into an ugly spider. There are nine areas in this world.

The third world is a watery adventure in Ocean Side, where the brothers are surrounded by deadly Spiny's Eggs, poison-spitting Lotus flowers, and lurking hungry giant fishes. Mario and Luigi must clear the course of its obstacles before the ruler can change back from a slimy, old toad to his royal highness. Keycue 8 6 – displays all menu shortcut commands download free. There are 11 areas of difficulty to cover.


Everything is double its size in Big Island, the fourth world. Here, Mario and Luigi have to survive against the deadly jaws of greedy carnivorous plants, Spiny's Eggs, coral reefs, and the hammer-wielding Hammer Brothers. The royal ruler has been transformed into a hideous reptile by black magic. Mario and Luigi will have to journey through eight areas before reaching the ship which houses the guarded magic wand.

In the fifth world, Mario and Luigi are transported into The Sky. They have to venture through 11 different areas, as they make a tortuous climb along a zig-zagging bridge of bricks to the heavens. Hopping, skipping, and jumping over moats of bubbling molten lava, the brothers once more show their prowess against voracious piranha plants and flying turtles. With the aid of staircasing drifting logs, the brothers are able to escape from their adversaries. The ruler of The Sky has been changed into a bird.

The sixth world, Iced Land, has a ruler who has been transformed by the Kuppa King into a seal. In order to break the spell, Mario and Luigi have to journey through 13 areas of freezing temperatures, hopping over blocks of ice, and 'moonwalking' over slippery grounds. With the help of a frog suit, they are able to escape from their aquatic enemies.

The seventh world is the Pipe Maze, a convolution of pipes of every imaginable shape and size. Lurking in the pipes are the much-dreaded piranha plants, snapping their razor-sharp teeth in unison. The mighty ruler of this world has been turned into a piranha plant himself. The brothers must endure the 12 most difficult areas in this game in seeking the magic wand. By hopping on the box marked with an arrow, Mario or Luigi can maneuver the box to move in the direction he pleases to avert the advances of the pesky enemies. There are also blocks with musical notes that serve as spring boards for quick escape.

The eighth world is the Kuppa Castle where the brothers are besieged with tanks, cannons, and boomerangs. Princess Peach is only within an arm's reach to safety, so the Mario brothers cannot fail her now. While evading the laser-emitting gargoyles in the dank and dark dungeon, Mario and Luigi have to duck from the ghosts in hot pursuit. And then there are the blowtorches, and the moats of molten lava along the way. After going through 10 areas of wits versus weaponry, Mario and Luigi finally come face to face with the fireball-breathing Kuppa King. He is a nasty giant of a king with a disposition to match. A fierce battle ensues, and the Mario brothers are victorious. Princess Peach is saved. The curtain falls.

Touches of a Super Game

There are some new characters to the line of original enemies who try to make the brothers' life miserable as they journey through a maze of obstacles. The music and sound effects of this game set a mood for each world, from a honky-tonk beat to eerie, suspenseful music. The Super Mario Bros. 3 gamepak is equipped with a map screen for each world that shows which areas one must complete before eliminating the Kuppa guardian who is holding the magic wand. Along the way the brothers will find bonus rooms which give extra lives and items to use. On the map screen there is an item sub screen. Mario and Luigi can hold many items like mushrooms, flowers, stars, leaves, and other power-ups that they can use before the level has started so survival will be easier against these enemies. Not only can Mario and Luigi run and jump, they can also fly with the leaf that transforms them into raccoons. By flying high in the sky they can find secret pipes and power-ups. All these nice options help the brothers complete their quest to defeat the Kuppa King. This game is not for amateurs, but it is for all adventurers. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge of Super Mario Bros. 3?

ProTip: Drop into this bonus room for corns, extra lives, etc.

Overall rating: 8
Waluigi Time! v1.2! Details »»
Waluigi Time! v1.2!
The Developer
Version: 1.2, by Puncle
Developer Last Online: Sep 2020
Category:Version: SRB2 KartRating:(4 votes - 4.60 average)
Released: 02-12-2020Last Update: NeverFavourites: 4
Characters Re-Useable Content

The dastardly purple god of party games has made his way to SRB2Kart to pettily insult Luigi and take home the gold! Look out for WAHLUIGI, CHEATERS!
Critique & criticism appreciated.
No longer any WIP, now cleaned, heavily updated, and in a polished state. Waluigi's voice is now crisp, his animation and art heavily improved. This mod uses a wide variety of inspirations for Waluigi's design, taking his appearance in Mario Kart DS as the primary for the model, but the hats from Mario 64 DS for map markers, the MK 64 select screen with a bit of Mario Party 3, usage of lines from MK DD to Tennis to Strikers with a finish screen taken from his golf animations. It's a celebration of everything WAH and my own nostalgia.
Special thanks to Tyonic for aid in compiling when Kart Maker wouldn't work, who was extremely helpful and patient far too late into the night, Obby Vixen for some support and aid in finding voice clips, Dimpsuu- for correcting my complete misunderstanding of how to do pixel art at the beginning of my work, and Teeznet for just hanging out and helping me get into the game, among others on the Kart Krew Discord. Of course, thanks to the Kart Krew itself for such a wonderful kart game. I wouldn't be able to do this without help and my motivation would have probably dried out. Thank you!
Waluigi is a heavy weight as in line with his Mario Kart stats, he has a speed, weight of [7,8].
UPDATE 1.1 [3/5/2020]
Greatly improved the sprites and voice lines, enhanced with better resources and greater time investment.
UPDATE 1.2 [3/6/2020]
Further improvements on voice clips and sounds, small fixes to a few errors in his graphics
Plans for future updates:
Lua: change kart sound files and sound effects, add more voice lines such as when bumping into someone, possibly add more animations based on turning the wheel to tilt Waluigi's lean.
More karts!: I intend to add a selection of custom karts to Waluigi's wad, thus why he's named Waluigi SK for Standard Kart. Current plans include the Gold Mantis, Wario Bike, and Waluigi Racer. In the future SK will probably be brought to 7,7 while the Gold Mantis takes the 7,8 and such.
Additional plans: Double Dash Pack!! In the distant future, keep an eye out for a pack of dastardly duos in a purple, mustached car, ladies in a coach, babies in a buggy, turtles riding a shell, etc. Stages are also in the planning. They're only in the absolute preliminary works, but they're underway.

Download Now

KC_Waluigi_SK-1.2.wad.7z (811.5 KB, 1282 views)


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Mario Golf

Also known as: Mario Golf 64 (JP)
Developer: Camelot Software Planning
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 64
Released in JP: June 11, 1999
Released in US: July 30, 1999
Released in EU: September 14, 1999

This game has unused playable characters.
This game has hidden development-related text.
This game has unused music.
This game has debugging material.
This game has regional differences.
This game has revisional differences.

This game has a notes page
To do:
There's are several strings of debug and generally unused text at 0x11B2B0 and 0xA5360, probably more in there too.

Mario Party 3 Game

Play golf as your favorite the most powerful Mario characters (and random humans)! Bizarrely, Mario is an unlockable character, at least in single-player mode.

  • 2Unused Course Features
  • 4Debug Features
    • 4.1SRAM Editor
  • 5Regional Differences

Unused Music

To do:
There's an upload on Youtube with this track described as 'Hidden Intro Results 2'. 'Hidden Course Music' is also the same song used in the easter egg described at the bottom of this page. Look into this and see if this track is actually unused and/or if any of this would involve using a transfer pak to unlock something.

Unused Track

Unused Course Features

Ground Type

There is one unused ground type left in the game, which is the 'cartway'. It is fully functional, having its own name, properties, image, and appearance still intact. It seems to have been intended as a road of some sort from looking at its lie image, though this is not usually very relevant for a golf course. In behaviour, it is most similar to the 'red' ground type, which is used when playing the fast variants of the mini-golf courses; the shot power percentage is 80-100 and it has low friction and a high bounce. It appears as a plain grey patch of ground when loaded on the course during play.

Dummy Character

To do:
See if the dummy character exists in any way in the NA/EU releases.

In the Japanese release, there is an unused character named ダミー, which appropriately translates to Dummy. They can be enabled using the GameShark code 810BC84E 000D.

This may be a work-in-progress version of Metal Mario, as their position on the character select screen is the same as Metal's (albeit visually messed up as the overall character alignment is different in the JP release). However, Dummy shares the same stats as Yoshi. Also, their in-game score sprites are Donkey Kong's for some reason, and their animations are unfinished, with the mode select and post-hole animations being the animation Mario uses when preparing to hit the ball. Finally, Dummy does use Mario's alternate costumes, but the icon will not change colors on the select screen.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Debug Features

This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

By using the following GameShark code, you can access some debug features.

Japan800B0FC0 0001
US800B67C0 0001
Europe800B6A70 0001

First thing you might notice is the debug text on the intro cutscene. CAMERA:00 shows the current camera in use and increases in value as the cutscene goes. The numbers on the right are for counting how much time there is left until a camera angle is changed to the next. The numbers on the bottom count how much time has elapsed in the intro cutscene in total.

Using controllers 2, 3 or 4, press Start to display a CPU usage meter of sorts. Pressing it again will display more debug numbers. Presumably, the top number seems to change whenether an action is being done or not. The first row and second rows seems to change when a menu or effects for the UI are loaded. Pressing L will freeze the game, D-Left will cycle through frames and D-Right will resume gameplay.

(Source: Fkualol)

SRAM Editor

This feature can be accessed by enabling the code above and pressing L + Start during a match. This will display a number of flags, which control various debugging features. There are 256 (FF) flags in total, though not all of them appear to be used. Choose a flag using the D-Pad, enable it by pressing A, or disable it by pressing B. You can also press L or R to go to the first or second page of flags, respectively. All currently-known flags and their functions are described on the Notes page.

Color and Fog Editor

Flag 0x2D activates an editor for the background/sky and fog. On controller 2, use the D-Pad or C buttons to navigate the menu. Press A to increase the currently-selected value, or B to decrease it. The RGBA rows correspond to the colors and the TBC columns correspond to the sky. The BG columns edit the background and the FOG column edits the fog. You can control the fog's thickness by modifying the last row in its column. The option CC:0 is inaccessible, and its purpose is unknown.

Text Color Test

Flag 0x46 displays サンプルABCDEFG on the screen along with a menu in the top-right corner, similar to the menu in the color and fog editor. On controller 2, use the D-Pad to move the text and the C buttons to navigate the menu. Press A to increase the currently-selected value, or B to decrease it. The values in the menu control the coloring of the text; the top row corresponds to the bottom of the text and vice-versa. The columns correspond to the colors cyan, magenta, and yellow, respectively.

Pin Selection Tool / Ball Position Viewer

Flag 0x47 activates a tool that allows you to change the pin location for any hole while the course flyover is occurring. To change the currently selected pin, press L or R on controller 1. Every hole has four possible pin settings, though the mini-golf courses and Driving Range don't define all four and have some pin locations off the map.

Starting gameplay on any hole displays X/Y/Z/Attr values, which seem to be related to the ball's current position and the ground attribute value that it is resting on. These values update when starting a new shot and remain on screen afterwards even when changing game modes.

Playing on a mini-golf hole and hitting a shot that rebounds off a wall (or, sometimes, just loading a mini-golf hole, especially in Training mode) causes the strings CheckXYAxis, GetHeightInfo, and Hit to be displayed on-screen.

Message Viewer

Flag 0x6D activates a message viewer (Nice On!, Nice Shot!, etc.). Press D-Left or D-Right to select a message, and D-Down to view it.

Build Date

Information about the build date of the ROM is shown at the top of the screen when the SRAM editor is enabled:


Shot Information

To display this menu in the game, use the GameShark code:

VersionGameshark code
Japan81036EC8 2400
81036F24 2400
81036F34 2400
8104B870 2400
US81038BE8 2400
81038C44 2400
81038C54 2400
8104DA30 2400
Europe81038B68 2400
81038BC4 2400
81038BD4 2400
8104DAC0 2400

This will show certain variables on the screen that are relevant in calculating the shot trajectory. However, this menu is a little difficult to read and, depending on the game region, may be displayed in units that differ from those normally shown by the game.

Mario Party 2 Wad

Regional Differences


The intro differs slightly between the Japanese and international releases, namely the transition to the title screen.


The most noticeable difference is, in the Japanese version, Mario and Luigi will simply say 'Mario Golf 64!' followed by Wario saying 'You're gonna love it'. In the international release, Mario and Luigi will say 'Welcome to Mario Golf!' after which Wario will comment with 'Eh, should've been called Wario Golf. You're gonna love it'. There are also some additional sound effects in the Japanese version's transition.

Title Screen


The Japanese version uses a different logo, and the text below it reads 'Push Start' rather than 'Press Start'.



While both versions have the same options, the international releases have a more complex UI, with the various options now needing to be scrolled through, the selections' colors being changed from yellow to green, and the board in the background being shrunken to make room image of Mario.

How To Play


The international release has two changes to this screen. The Goomba chalk drawings are more faint compared to the Japanese version's, and the writing in the bottom right corner has been removed. This text translates to 'Nitchoku Kinopio', which has the rough meaning of Toad (Kinopio) being assigned day duty in class.

Character Select

JapanNorth AmericaEurope

The international character select screens were modified to include Metal Mario, who is not present in the Japanese version. Also, the characters in the European version were reordered.


Mario Party 3 Wad Download

The Japanese version is missing the power indicator (leftmost gray bar) in the Power Meter. It was added in the US and European versions. The wind display was slightly moved to the left in the international versions and its font was changed to a more noticeable one.

Intro Music

The European version uses a different song for the intro cutscene. Strangely enough, the original song is still present on the cartridge, making it unused.

European (Unused)


  • The Japanese version doesn't display the Nintendo 64 logo during the intro sequence.
  • The Japanese and European versions use meters in putting instead of feet, changing 30 ft, 100 ft, and 200 ft to 10m, 30m, and 60m respectively. That change doesn't affect the distance, however.
  • The Japanese and European versions show wind speed in meters per second rather than miles per hour.

Revisional Differences

In the Virtual Console port, the Transfer Pak feature used to transfer characters to and from the Game Boy Color version was removed for obvious reasons.


In four-player mode, if all players are either Yoshi or Donkey Kong (3 DKs and 1 Yoshi, 2 of each, etc.), the music played on any course except Luigi's Garden and Peach's Castle will be a remixed version of the Palm Club theme from the Game Boy Color version.

The Mario series
NES/FDSSuper Mario Bros. • Super Mario Bros. 2 (FDS) • Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) (Prototype; Doki Doki Panic) • Super Mario Bros. 3
SNESSuper Mario World • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Prototypes) • Super Mario All-Stars
SatellaviewBS Super Mario USA • BS Super Mario Collection
Nintendo 64Super Mario 64 (64DD Version)
GameCubeSuper Mario Sunshine (Demo)
WiiSuper Mario Galaxy • Super Mario Galaxy 2 • New Super Mario Bros. Wii • Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition
Wii UNew Super Mario Bros. U • New Super Luigi U • Super Mario 3D World • Super Mario Maker
Game Boy (Color)Super Mario Land • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins • Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 • Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Game Boy AdvanceSuper Mario Advance • Super Mario Advance 2 • Super Mario Advance 3 • Super Mario Advance 4
Nintendo DSNew Super Mario Bros. • Super Mario 64 DS
Nintendo 3DSSuper Mario 3D Land (Demo) • New Super Mario Bros. 2 • Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo SwitchSuper Mario Odyssey • New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe • Super Mario Maker 2
iOS/AndroidSuper Mario Run
Mario Kart
Console GamesSuper Mario Kart (Prototypes) • Mario Kart 64 • Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Demos) • Mario Kart Wii (Channel) • Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe)
Handheld GamesMario Kart: Super Circuit • Mario Kart DS (Demos) • Mario Kart 7
Arcade GamesMario Kart Arcade GP • Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 • Mario Kart Arcade GP DX
Mario RPGs
Super Mario RPGLegend of the Seven Stars
Paper MarioPaper Mario • The Thousand-Year Door (Paper Mario 2 Demo) • Super Paper Mario • Sticker Star • Color Splash • The Origami King
Mario & LuigiSuperstar Saga (+ Bowser's Minions) • Partners in Time • Bowser's Inside Story (+ Bowser Jr.'s Journey) • Dream Team • Paper Jam
Mario Party
Console GamesMario Party • Mario Party 2 • Mario Party 3 • Mario Party 4 (Demo) • Mario Party 5 (Demo) • Mario Party 6 (Demo) • Mario Party 7 • Mario Party 8 • Mario Party 9 • Mario Party 10 • Super Mario Party
Handheld GamesMario Party Advance • Mario Party DS
Mario Sports
Console GamesBS Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium • Mario Golf • Mario Tennis • Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour • Mario Power Tennis • Mario Superstar Baseball (Mario Baseball Demo) • Super Mario Strikers (Demo) • Mario Strikers Charged • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Beijing 2008, London 2012) • Mario Sports Mix • Mario Tennis Aces
Handheld GamesMario's Tennis (Virtual Boy) • Mario Golf • Mario Tennis (GBC) • Mario Tennis: Power Tour • Mario Golf: Advance Tour • Mobile Golf • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Beijing 2008)
Web GamesMario Tennis: Power Tour - Bicep Pump
Arcade GamesDonkey Kong • Donkey Kong Jr. • Mario Bros. • Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros. • Mario Roulette • Luigi's Mansion Arcade
Computer GamesDonkey Kong (Atari 8-bit family) • Mario is Missing! (DOS) • Mario Teaches Typing (DOS) • Mario's Early Years (DOS) • Mario's Game Gallery (Mac OS Classic)
Console GamesDonkey Kong (NES) • Donkey Kong Jr. (NES) • Mario Bros. (NES) • Wrecking Crew • Dr. Mario (NES) (Prototypes) • Mario Paint (Prototype) • Mario & Wario • Tetris & Dr. Mario • Undake 30: Same Game Mario Version • Mario's Super Picross • Wrecking Crew '98 • Mario is Missing! (NES, SNES) • Mario's Time Machine (NES, SNES) • Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters • Yoshi's Safari • Hotel Mario • Super Mario's Wacky Worlds • Mario no Photopi • Mario Artist Paint Studio (Prototype) • Mario Artist Talent Studio • Mario Artist Communication Kit • Dr. Mario 64 • Luigi's Mansion • Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix • Fortune Street • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U, Switch) • Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge • Dr. Luigi • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle • Luigi's Mansion 3
Handheld GamesDr. Mario • Donkey Kong • Mario's Picross • Picross 2 • Jaguar Mishin Sashi Senyou Soft: Mario Family • Mario Pinball Land • Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! • Super Princess Peach • Dr. Mario & Puzzle League • Mario Bros. Classic • Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo 3DS) • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo 3DS) • Photos with Mario • Dr. Mario World
Web GamesDr. Mario: Vitamin Toss
See also
Yoshi • Donkey Kong • Wario